A downloadable game

I have made this game Block out for a college project

This blockout is made for a mummy wave fighter where you spawn outside a pyramid and you go inside(and you get teleported to inside the pyramid) this beings you to a room with a single mummy you kill it and it drops a pistol you now have 10 seconds to get prepare for the first wave, once the first door opens you are attacked by 10 mummy's once you kill these enemies a un-killable boss will spawn to explain how the afterlife works and what you have to do there is a ammo Box in every room and it costs 10 credits per magazine 

This is the afterlife the first time you go there is no enemies because it is a tutorial. the green blocks signify that they move the starting platform will not come back. The red wall is where you can do a wall run and jump 

The blue is where you can jump on and stay until you want to take your next jump 

the red cylinders count as enemy spawn points each one of these will spawn 4 enemies per minute with there being 4 spawns there will 16 enemies spawned per minute 

room two has 4 spawn points on the map these spawn 6 enemies per minute meaning it spawns 24 enemies per minute 


Web build FMP.zip 6.8 MB


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This game is something special, I am truly and deeply moved. There hasn't been a game like this one.